Core Java Basic Interview Questions |
1) what are static blocks and static initalizers in Java ? |
2) How to call one constructor from the other constructor ? |
3) What is method overriding in java ? |
4) What is super keyword in java ? |
5) Difference between method overloading and method overriding in java ? |
6) Difference between abstract class and interface ? |
7) Why java is platform independent? |
8) What is method overloading in java ? |
9) What is difference between c++ and Java ? |
10) What is JIT compiler ? |
11) What is bytecode in java ? |
12) Difference between this() and super() in java ? |
13) What is a class ? |
14) What is an object ? |
15) What is method in java ? |
16) What is encapsulation ? |
17) Why main() method is public, static and void in java ? |
18) Explain about main() method in java ? |
19) What is constructor in java ? |
20) What is difference between length and length() method in java ? |
21) What is ASCII Code? |
22) What is Unicode ? |
23) Difference between Character Constant and String Constant in java ? |
24) What are constants and how to create constants in java? |
25) Difference between ‘>>’ and ‘>>>’ operators in java? |
Core java Interview questions on Coding Standards |
26) Explain Java Coding Standards for classes or Java coding conventions for classes? |
27) Explain Java Coding standards for interfaces? |
28) Explain Java Coding standards for Methods? |
29) Explain Java Coding Standards for variables ? |
30) Explain Java Coding Standards for Constants? |
31) Difference between overriding and overloading in java? |
32) What is ‘IS-A ‘ relationship in java? |
33) What is ‘HAS A’’ relationship in java? |
34) Difference between ‘IS-A’ and ‘HAS-A’ relationship in java? |
35) Explain about instanceof operator in java? |
36) What does null mean in java? |
37) Can we have multiple classes in single file ? |
38) What all access modifiers are allowed for top class ? |
39 ) What are packages in java? |
40) Can we have more than one package statement in source file ? |
41) Can we define package statement after import statement in java? |
42) What are identifiers in java? |
43) What are access modifiers in java? |
44) What is the difference between access specifiers and access modifiers in java? |
45) What access modifiers can be used for class ? |
46) Explain what access modifiers can be used for methods? |
47) Explain what access modifiers can be used for variables? |
48) What is final access modifier in java? |
49) Explain about abstract classes in java? |
50) Can we create constructor in abstract class ? |
51) What are abstract methods in java? |
Java Exception Handling Interview questions |
52) What is an exception in java? |
53) State some situations where exceptions may arise in java? |
54) What is Exception handling in java? |
55) What is an eror in Java? |
56) What are advantages of Exception handling in java? |
57) In how many ways we can do exception handling in java? |
58) List out five keywords related to Exception handling ? |
59) Explain try and catch keywords in java? |
60) Can we have try block without catch block? |
61) Can we have multiple catch block for a try block? |
62) Explain importance of finally block in java? |
63) Can we have any code between try and catch blocks? |
64) Can we have any code between try and finally blocks? |
65) Can we catch more than one exception in single catch block? |
66) What are checked Exceptions? |
67) What are unchecked exceptions in java? |
68) Explain differences between checked and Unchecked exceptions in java? |
69) What is default Exception handling in java? |
70) Explain throw keyword in java? |
71) Can we write any code after throw statement? |
72) Explain importance of throws keyword in java? |
73) Explain the importance of finally over return statement? |
74) Explain a situation where finally block will not be executed? |
75) Can we use catch statement for checked exceptions? |
76) What are user defined exceptions? |
77) Can we rethrow the same exception from catch handler? |
78) Can we nested try statements in java? |
79) Explain the importance of throwable class and its methods? |
80) Explain when ClassNotFoundException will be raised ? |
81) Explain when NoClassDefFoundError will be raised ? |
Java Interview questions on threads |
83) What is process ? |
84) What is thread in java? |
85) Difference between process and thread? |
86) What is multitasking ? |
87) What are different types of multitasking? |
88) What are the benefits of multithreaded programming? |
89) Explain thread in java? |
90) List Java API that supports threads? |
91) Explain about main thread in java? |
92) In how many ways we can create threads in java? |
93) Explain creating threads by implementing Runnable class? |
94) Explain creating threads by extending Thread class ? |
95) Which is the best approach for creating thread ? |
96) Explain the importance of thread scheduler in java? |
97) Explain the life cycle of thread? |
98) Can we restart a dead thread in java? |
99) Can one thread block the other thread? |
100) Can we restart a thread already started in java? |
101) What happens if we don’t override run method ? |
102) Can we overload run() method in java? |
105) What is a lock or purpose of locks in java? |
106) In how many ways we can do synchronization in java? |
107) What are synchronized methods ? |
108) When do we use synchronized methods in java? |
109) When a thread is executing synchronized methods , then is it possible to execute other synchronized methods simultaneously by other threads? |
110) When a thread is executing a synchronized method , then is it possible for the same thread to access other synchronized methods of an object ? |
111) What are synchronized blocks in java? |
112) When do we use synchronized blocks and advantages of using synchronized blocks? |
113) What is class level lock ? |
114) Can we synchronize static methods in java? |
115) Can we use synchronized block for primitives? |
116) What are thread priorities and importance of thread priorities in java? |
117) Explain different types of thread priorities ? |
118) How to change the priority of thread or how to set priority of thread? |
119) If two threads have same priority which thread will be executed first ? |
120) What all methods are used to prevent thread execution ? |
121) Explain yield() method in thread class ? |
122) Is it possible for yielded thread to get chance for its execution again ? |
123) Explain the importance of join() method in thread class? |
124) Explain purpose of sleep() method in java? |
125) Assume a thread has lock on it, calling sleep() method on that thread will release the lock? |
126) Can sleep() method causes another thread to sleep? |
127) Explain about interrupt() method of thread class ? |
128) Explain about interthread communication and how it takes place in java? |
129) Explain wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods of object class ? |
130) Explain why wait() , notify() and notifyAll() methods are in Object class rather than in thread class? |
131) Explain IllegalMonitorStateException and when it will be thrown? |
132) when wait(), notify(), notifyAll() methods are called does it releases the lock or holds the acquired lock? |
133) Explain which of the following methods releases the lock when yield(), join(),sleep(),wait(),notify(), notifyAll() methods are executed? |
134) What are thread groups? |
135) What are thread local variables ? |
136) What are daemon threads in java? |
137) How to make a non daemon thread as daemon? |
138) Can we make main() thread as daemon? |
Interview questions on Nested classses and inner classes |
139) What are nested classes in java? |
140) What are inner classes or non static nested classes in java? |
141) Why to use nested classes in java? |
142) Explain about static nested classes in java? |
143) How to instantiate static nested classes in java? |
144) Explain about method local inner classes or local inner classes in java? |
145) Explain about features of local inner class? |
146) Explain about anonymous inner classes in java? |
147) Explain restrictions for using anonymous inner classes? |
148) Is this valid in java ? can we instantiate interface in java? |
149) Explain about member inner classes? |
150) How to instantiate member inner class? |
151) How to do encapsulation in java? |
152) What are reference variables in java ? |
153) Will the compiler creates a default constructor if I have a parameterized constructor in the class? |
154) Can we have a method name same as class name in java? |
155) Can we override constructors in java? |
156) Can Static methods access instance variables in java? |
157) How do we access static members in java? |
158) Can we override static methods in java? |
159) Difference between object and reference? |
160 ) Objects or references which of them gets garbage collected? |
161) How many times finalize method will be invoked ? who invokes finalize() method in java? |
162) Can we able to pass objects as an arguments in java? |
163) Explain wrapper classes in java? |
164) Explain different types of wrapper classes in java? |
165) Explain about transient variables in java? |
166) Can we serialize static variables in java? |
167) What is type conversion in java? |
168) Explain about Automatic type conversion in java? |
169) Explain about narrowing conversion in java? |
170) Explain the importance of import keyword in java? |
171) Explain naming conventions for packages ? |
172) What is classpath ? |
173) What is jar ? |
174) What is the scope or life time of instance variables ? |
175) Explain the scope or life time of class variables or static variables? |
176) Explain scope or life time of local variables in java? |
177) Explain about static imports in java? |
178) Can we define static methods inside interface? |
179) Define interface in java? |
180) What is the purpose of interface? |
181) Explain features of interfaces in java? |
182) Explain enumeration in java? |
183) Explain restrictions on using enum? |
184) Explain about field hiding in java? |
185) Explain about Varargs in java? |
186) Explain where variables are created in memory? |
187) Can we use Switch statement with Strings? |
188) In java how do we copy objects? |
Oops concepts interview questions |
189) Explain about procedural programming language or structured programming language and its features? |
190) Explain about object oriented programming and its features? |
191) List out benefits of object oriented programming language? |
192) Differences between traditional programming language and object oriented programming language? |
193) Explain oops concepts in detail? |
194) Explain what is encapsulation? |
195) What is inheritance ? |
196) Explain importance of inheritance in java? |
197) What is polymorphism in java? |
Collection Framework interview questions |
198) What is collections framework ? |
199) What is collection ? |
200) Difference between collection, Collection and Collections in java? |
201) Explain about Collection interface in java ? |
202) List the interfaces which extends collection interface ? |
203) Explain List interface ? |
204) Explain methods specific to List interface ? |
205) List implementations of List Interface ? |
206) Explain about ArrayList ? |
207) Difference between Array and ArrayList ? |
208) What is vector? |
209) Difference between arraylist and vector ? |
210) Define Linked List and its features with signature ? |
211) Define Iterator and methods in Iterator? |
212) In which order the Iterator iterates over collection? |
212) Explain ListIterator and methods in ListIterator? |
213) Explain about Sets ? |
214) Implementations of Set interface ? |
215) Explain HashSet and its features ? |
216) Explain Tree Set and its features? |
217) When do we use HashSet over TreeSet? |
218) What is Linked HashSet and its features? |
219) Explain about Map interface in java? |
220) What is linked hashmap and its features? |
221) What is SortedMap interface? |
222) What is Hashtable and explain features of Hashtable? |
223) Difference between HashMap and Hashtable? |
224) Difference between arraylist and linkedlist? |
225) Difference between Comparator and Comparable in java? |
226) What is concurrent hashmap and its features ? |
227) Difference between Concurrent HashMap and Hashtable and collections.synchronizedHashMap? |
228) Explain copyOnWriteArrayList and when do we use copyOnWriteArrayList? |
229) Explain about fail fast iterators in java? |
230) Explain about fail safe iterators in java? |
Core java Serialization interview questions |
231) What is serialization in java? |
232) What is the main purpose of serialization in java? |
233) What are alternatives to java serialization? |
234) Explain about serializable interface in java? |
235) How to make object serializable in java? |
236) What is serial version UID and its importance in java? |
237) What happens if we don’t define serial version UID ? |
238) Can we serialize static variables in java? |
239) When we serialize an object does the serialization mechanism saves its references too? |
240) If we don’t want some of the fields not to serialize How to do that? |
241) Explain importance of object class in java? |
242) Explain purpose of object class or why object class is super class for all java classes? |
243) Explain Object class methods? |
244) List methods which can be overrided from Object class? |
245) Explain purpose of toString() method in java? |
Core Java Interview Questions on Strings |
246) Explain Strings in java? |
247) Difference between Strings and Character Arrays in java? |
248) Explain importance of String class in java? |
249) In how many ways we can create Strings in java? |
250) Explain how to create Strings using String literal and advantages of creating Strings using String literal? |
Core Java Interview Questions on Class Loaders |
251) What are classloaders and different types of class loaders in java? |
252) What is BootStrap class loader and how does it works? |
253) What is Extensions class loader and how does it works? |
254) What is application class loader and how does it works? |
Java Interview Questions on Garabage Collection |
255) What is garbage Collection in java? |
256)When an object becomes eligible for garbage collection? |
257) Who performs garbage collection? |
258) When does garbage collector run? |
259) Which algorithm garbage collector uses to perform garbage collection? |
260) List out different garbage collection algorithms? |
261) Can we force JVM for garbage collection? |
262) How to request jvm to perform garbage collection operation? |
263) Explain the purpose of finalize method in relation to Garbage collection? |
264) How many times finalize method is called on an Object? |
265) Once an object is garbage collected can it become reachable again? |
266) How to write a code that makes an object eligible for garbage collection? |
Java interview questions on main method |
267) Explain purpose of main method() in java? |
268) List out different valid main method declarations ? |
269) Who calls main() method? |
270) Is it mandatory to define main method() in a class? |
271) If we don’t define a main method and execute a class do we get any error? |
272) Can a developer call main method explicitly ? |
273) Can we call main method from same class ? |
274) Does JVM calls user defined methods with same signature as main with name change? |
275) Can we have a overloaded main method in a class? If we have overloaded method which main method does jvm call? |
276) Can we have multiple classes in a java file with each class having main method? |
Interview Questions on Operators in java |
277) Explain operators and different types of operators in java? |
278) Explain different categories of operators in java? |
279)Explain arithmetic operators and different arithmetic operators in java? |
280)Explain % operator in java with example? |
281) Explain Relational Operators with example? |
282) Explain unary arithmetic operator with example? |
283) Explain difference between preincrement and post increment operators in java? |
284) Explain difference between predecrement and post decrement operators in java? |
285) Explain complement operator(!) in java with example? |
286) Explain Bitwise complement operator(~) in java with example? |
287) Explain conditional operator and different conditional operators in java? |
288) Explain ternary operator with example? |
289) Explain short circuit operator (and && or ||) operator in java? |
290)Explain rules for java source code files? |
291) Explain different styles of comments in java? |
292) Can we nest comments in java? |
293) List out different primitive types in java? |
294) To what values primitives in java get automatically initialized? |
295) To which values Strings get automatically initialized to? |
296) Which package gets automatically imported by default? |
297) Which non Unicode letters can be used as first letters for naming identifiers? |
298) Which characters can be used for naming identifiers as second letter but not as first letter? |
299) Is null a keyword in java? |
Interview Questions on Type Conversion and TypeCasting |
300) What is TypeConversion? |
301) Explain Implicit Conversion/ Widening/Automatic Type Conversion? |
302) What is Explicit Conversion/Narrowing/Casting? |
303) Can a double value be cast to byte? How to cast double value to byte with help of the example? |
304) Can a Boolean primitive value to be converted to any other primitive in java? |
305) What is autoboxing and autounboxing? |
306) What are advantages of autoboxing and autounboxing? |
307) How to cast objects or what is object casting? |
308) What is upcasting or downcasting? |
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